Specialist, LIS (2-year contract)

Institution:  Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Family Group:  Administration



  1. Follows general hospital and laboratory policies concerning dress codes, professional conduct, attendance, punctuality, safety, documentation, performance criteria and other directives, as issued.
  2. Complies with all safety and infection policies and procedures of Pathology (PTH) and TTSH.
  3. Actively participates as a member or team lead for quality improvement projects at hospital-wide / departmental level.
  4. Develops and reviews Job Instructions and Job improvements for department work processes as well as training and equipping staff to carry out their work correctly, safely and conscientiously.
  5. Helps to promote a working environment of collegiality and effective teamwork.
  6. Possess good organization, coordination, communication and computer skills, and aptitude to train and supervise the work of others.
  7. Addresses complaints and resolves problems.
  8. Performs any other duties as assigned by the Head of Pathology services and Head of Department.

LIS Functions

  1. Provide satisfactory technical support to users and responds to issue related to hardware and software.
  2. Provides emergency support during LIS downtime and when required, during LIS and other hospital systems upgrades over the weekends.
  3. Investigate and identifies the problems, follow up on the issues and implements preventive
  4. Extract data from the information systems for various purposes, i.e. tracking of quality indicators and workload, quality improvement projects, management of laboratory services and patients, surveillance and research, legal and government requirements, etc. For data requests from external sources, appropriate prior approval must be sought from the Manager or the Head of the Department.
  5. Liaise with HIS and CMIO on issues or requests for change pertaining to the CCOE system (CCOE-interface modules). (Histo lab does not have ISMART, only the CCOE-interface modules).
  6. Liaise with iHIS on matters pertaining to critical result reporting via the HMS system.
  7. Work closely with iHIS and vendor to ensure that lab interfaces and finance / billing system interface to SAP are in working order. Alert iHIS and vendor for immediate follow up when there are issues or abnormalities.
  8. Coordinate with the other institutions' LIS staff to facilitate the workflow for the reservation of test codes. Follow up by updating with screen shots and details when the test codes are created.
  9. Work closely with the abratory users on their change request. Understand the user needs and requirements before implementing system changes to LIS. Should the change require vendor's assistance, oversee and coordinate between the users and vendors to ensure that the change requests are implemented properly in the LIS system.
  10. Keep PTH staff up-to-date on LIS / ITD policies and procedures.
  11. Inform respective section leaders of any scheduled downtime related to the LIS / interfaces / external applications
  12. Notify section leaders, manager and HOD of any major IT problems that have impact on laboratory services and patient care.
  13. Ensures user ID database are up-to-date.
  14. Ensure that all requests for change in the LIS are traceable and documented.
  15. Ensure flow of results from the LIS to the hospital's EMR system.
  16. Participate and assist in designing, improving and updating EMR system for the hospital including relevant policies, standards and governance structure in the hospital and national project led by MOH/H.


  1. Answer enquiries concerning study / project and provide quotation
  2. Provides backup support for the billing of internal and external clients.
  3. Ensure billing is sent in a timely and error free manner to SAP. Escalate to vendor(s) when there are any abnormalities. Ensure that dropped charges and other error are rectified and documented properly.
  4. Backup person to retrieve and post in the daily reconciliation of lab charges in SAP.
  5. Backup person to retrieve any drop charges from additional stains. And submit quarterly to finance.
  6. Backup person to generate a daily report to capture all services cancelled by staffs and to make sure all cancellations are valid. This is in accordance to the recommendation by the auditors.
  7. Prepare justifications for the changes in the price of the tests or adding new tests done in the lab.Then submit to Finance to update lab's service codes

Document Control

  1. Maintain the various database (Report scanning database, Work Instructions (Wis) database, Scanning images database) in the lab and is responsible for the document control of the LIS,Admin, Quality Manual and CAP Wis in the lab.
  2. Responsible for maintaining an up-to-date electronic Laboratory Services Guide (e-Guide) and the department website.

Quality Control

  1. Performs daily and periodic maintenance of the LIS as required.
  2. Ensure that changes to the systems by the vendors are properly documented. This entails submitting a Process change Request (PCR) form and reviewing the PCR after the changed and filed properly in readiness for any inspection/accreditation.
  3. Troubleshoot system malfunction and escalates to vendors or iHIS when necessary. Similarly, all this malfunctions are duly documented, reviewed and filed.
  4. Work closely with the vendor and iHIS to ensure there is regular maintenance to hardware. This is to minimize unnecessary downtime.
  5. Perform annual review of information systems preventive maintenance contracts.
  6. Review, evaluate and decide whether the LIS systems need upgrades. Liaise with iHIS and vendor on the possibility of upgrades. Get HOD approval. Justify for upgrades. Then put up budget for the costs of upgrades.

Quality Assurance

  1. Check that the section complies with the requirements set by the various licensing, regulatory and accrediting agencies.
  2. Review and revise LIS work instructions, forms and other documentations.
  3. Review and improve processes with section.
  4. Perform costing, evaluating and procuring IT related software and hardware.
  5. Validate and ensure accurate and timely data transfer from LIS to all downstream systems e.g. CCOE, RM, CPSS
  6. Assist in hardware, application support, set-up, troubleshooting, training and validation of LIS patch upgrades.
  7. Verifies the integrity of the LiS after data files restoration.
  8. Responsible for the performance of the LIS, including monitoring of system downtime and response time, slowness in system performance and any other issues with the system, following up with necessary investigations and corrective actions.
  9. Coordinate software and hardware upgrades.

Training and Education

  1. Supervise, coach and motivate staff.
  2. Monitor and ensure staffs attend training as planned.
  3. Monitor and assess technical competencies and performance of staff, and initiates improvement action when required.
  4. Participate in PTH continuing education programme.
  5. Coordinate with respective section leaders and vendors to ensure that staffs are appropriately trained in the use of the LIS.
  6. Conduct department induction for new staff (resident, registrar, Associate consultant & above) and training them on how to use the LIS.

Research Coordinator

  1. Liaise with the Project Principal Investigator / Project coordinator / Research Nurse and CMD Office
    (through the CRU).
  2. Ensure all relevant research documents are in place once the project is given the green light by CMB and Department HOD.
  3. Work with the research people on the project requirements, that it is doable by the lab.
  4. Based on the requirements, provide quote on the project charges.
  5. Work with the Finance people (NHG Finance or the Business Office) on billing these projects.
  6. Instruct the medical technologist on the research requirements and comply with the requests as stated in the project synopsis.
  7. Organize with the research people the collection of the sample, completion of the research forms and other necessary documents.
  8. Organize and file all research projects done and that they are readily available for any audit.

Operating IT and audio-visual equipment

  1. Learn to operate, perform daily maintenance and troubleshoot any new equipment bought by the lab (e.g. digital pathology scanners).
  2. Teach the medical technologists and the residents how to operate the equipment. Teach them how to access, annotate and save the images in the various formats.
  3. Set up links so the pathologists, registrars and residents can assess the images from their own workstation.
  4. Maintain and organize the images saved in the server.

Conference coordinator

  1. Organizing seminar / workshop.
  2. Apply to the Singapore Medical Council for CME points for the event.
  3. Assist in requesting for sponsorship from external source e.g. suppliers, vendors
  4. Assist publicize events, coordinate registrations, and keeping tract of the registration and the sponsorship fees from the suppliers / vendors.
  5. Book seminar venue, book and organize hotel accommodation for the invited speakers
  6. Answer queries from potential registrants.
  7. Organize gifts for both speaker(s) and participants.
  8. Draft and prepare the participants' certificates, nametags and the programmes.
  9. Organize the registration, tea / lunch, vendors' table setup, setting up the necessary equipment for the event.

ACME Resident Coordinator

  1. Provide administrative assistance to the ACGME Program Director & Core Faculty members.
  2. Liaise with the ACME coordinator on any matters related to the Residents in the lab.
  3. Keep track of the Residents leave, MCs, courses, and prepare their monthly duty roster.
    Submit to SMC and ACME coordinator their daily CME points for attending training sessions, tutorials and journal presentation.
  4. Generate monthly statistics - number cases read, trimmed, type of cases read by the residents and submit this to the ACME coordinator.
  5. Ensure all their certificates are up to date. Schedule them for recertification when necessary.

Coordinator for Hospital & Laboratory Accreditation

  1. Work closely with the Senior Consultant in charge to ensure all is in readiness for College of American Pathologist (CAP) accreditation.
  2. Work closely with the Manger and others to ensure all is in readiness for the JCl accreditation, PriceWaterHouse Cooper, LIS Auditors, etc.

Job Requirements

  • Preferably Bachelor's degree and above.
  • Preferably with training in LIS or IT system.
  • Administrative knowledge would be an advantage.
  • Experience in laboratory with special interest in LIS/IT.