
Institution:  Woodlands Health
Family Group:  Allied Health



Orthoptists perform various eye investigations to diagnose and manage binocular function
anomalies of the eyes. They are required to contribute in aspects of the 4 Pillars of Clinical Care,
Training and Education, Research and Quality as well as Management and Leadership.
Orthoptists are expected to uphold professional ethics at all times and to consistently deliver
standards of care as determined by the hospital and in compliance with the Optometrists and
Opticians Board (OOB).


(A) Specific (95%)

Clinical Care

Quality of Work
1. Maintain consistent standards of care:
     a. Orthoptists will be expected to practice according to the clinical and quality
         service standards set by the department and hospital and adhere to relevant
         organisational and departmental guidelines in all areas of practice.
     b. Orthoptic assessment includes:
         i. The examination of patients with actual or potential binocular
            function impairments and limitations.
         ii. The evaluation of the results of examination through analysis and
             synthesis of clinical reasoning and clinical tests.
         iii. Diagnosis of ocular misalignment and management of squint if
              surgery is not indicated.
          iv. Measure angle of squint preoperatively and postoperatively.
          v. Teach exercises for patients with ocular muscle weakness and
              provide temporary relief of diplopia (double vision).
c. Orthoptic services are planned and conducted in the best interest of the
     patient based on orthoptist’s knowledge of the patient’s eye condition,
     known indications and contraindications, planned treatment and
i. General orthoptic investigations include:
 Orthoptic Assessment
 Refraction
 Visual Acuity Assessment
 Color Vision Assessment
 Hess and Binocular Single Vision Test
 Octopus Visual Field Assessment
ii. General ophthalmic investigations include:
 Humphrey Visual Field (HVF)
 Cirrus HD-OCT
 Posterior Segment Photography
 External Eye Photography
 Corneal Topography
 Endothelial Cell Count (ECC)
 Anterior Segment OCT
 Anterior Segment Photography
 Ultrasound Pachymetry – Central Cornea Thickness (CCT)
 Spectralis OCT (SPOCT)
 Spectralis HRA Angiography (FFA & ICGA)
iii. Professional communication with patient, caregivers, medical
practitioners and other Allied Health Professionals (AHPs).
iv. Documentation of relevant patient assessment, progress and
management plans in accordance with the guidelines determined by
the hospital.
d. To achieve competency in all clinical assessment and meet the audit targets
set by the department.

2. Maintain and manage workload:
    a. Responsible for maintaining patient statistics and patient workload.
    b. Plan and provide coverage in unit where necessary.
    c. Provide service coverage where necessary.


Safe Care
1. Contribute to maintenance and improvement of safe care:
a. Practice due diligence during all patient interactions to ensure safety of the
patient at all times.
b. Undertake corrective actions immediately and consistently when feedback

Supervision and Mentoring
1. May assist in co-supervision/ co-training of staff, students or volunteers.

Delivering of Education
1. Deliver in-service training and education to intra-department colleagues.
2. May conduct professional workshops and seminars to patients and public.

Planning and Development
1. May assist to organise, coordinate and provide continuing education to colleagues.
2. May assist to develop resource materials

Research and Quality
Update Practice and Quality Knowledge
1. Apply and demonstrate evidence-based practice.
2. May assist in quality improvement activities/ projects.


Involve in Research and Quality
1. May participate in and support clinical projects in data collection/ design/ analysis.
2. Participate actively in quality improvement activities at hospital/ department level.

Create and Communicate Evidence
1. May assist to develop abstracts/ posters/ oral presentations.

Management/ Leadership
Managing Services and Resources
1. Assist to manage services and resources to achieve department/ hospital targets.

Collaboration and Communication
1. May assist in leading department workgroup to deliver and improve service and
2. May participate in department projects.

Setting Strategic Direction
1. May assist to manage information and data to identify gaps and potential areas of

(B) General (5%)
1. Actively involved in hospital and department’s initiatives.
2. Any other duties assigned by the supervisor.
3. Administrative duties as required.


Education / Training / Experience

Bachelor’s Degree in Orthoptics.
Bachelor’s Degree in Orthoptics/ Ophthalmic Sciences.
Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Sciences and Master’s Degree in Orthoptics (Graduate-Entry Level
Masters – GEMS)
Preferably with minimum 2 years of experience in the field of Orthoptics.
Courses in relevant clinical disciplines is preferred.

Professional License
Under Optometrists and Opticians Act (Chapter 213A, Section 35(1)), Optometrists and
Opticians (Exemption from Section 25(1)) Order, Orthoptists who hold a degree in orthoptics or
such equivalent qualification, to perform the refraction, binocular vision tests and visual field
tests under the supervision of the ophthalmologists or on the ophthalmologists’ patients upon a
referral from the ophthalmologists.

Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Dedicated and willingness to learn new skills.
Demonstrate proper workplace grooming standard and maintain a professional appearance.