Executive Assistant, Business Office / 3M

Institution:  Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Family Group:  Administration

(A) SPECIFIC (80%)
MediSave and MediClaim
1. Generate daily listing of patient claims from the SAP system, sort Medisave Claims Authorisation Forms (MCAF) and counter-check that forms are signed and correctly updated in system.
2. Generate and check claims for patients under the Civil Service’s Medical Claims Proration System (MCPS). Check monthly rejection report from Ministry of Defence, verify the cases for rejection and follow up with patients for payment.
3. Manual submit claims via CPF Board portal/website and manually update bills in SAP on approval by CPF Board.
4. Post entries in SAP to clear patient bills based on approved manual claims.
5. Monitor provisional bills for claim status update with the CPF Board.
6. Verify error messages and follow up on rejected claims for re-submission.
7. Log system errors (e.g. submission failure) with IT Helpdesk and follow up for closure.
8. Inform and advise frontline operations team to resolve claim errors and follow through on error rectification and problem resolution.
9. Verify reasons for rejection of claims (by CPF Board) and cancel bills for amendment.
10. Check, verify and mail final outpatient bills and statement of accounts to patients after successful approval (by CPF Board) of Medisave/Medishield claims.
11. Maintain and archive statutory documents (e.g. MCAF) for submission to the ministry or claims audit.

12. Liaise with patients for refund of excess payment, where necessary.
13. Closely monitor for closure of re-submitted claims or refund requests.
14. Prepare month-end reports on aging unbilled receivables and highlight issues to Executive and Manager for advice and resolution.
15. Participate in user testing to ensure system changes/enhancements are implemented properly and working well.
1. Generate patient bills for Medical Social Services (MSS) to assist in assessment of applications for assistance under MediFund (MF), Medication Assistance Fund (MAF) or other schemes.
2. Work with MSS to prepare for MF Committee meetings.
3. Work with personal assistant of CFO on schedule for MF
4. Maintain list of fees/charges/medication eligible for MF assistance.
5. Post and clear patient bills approved for remission or funding assistance.
6. Prepare data and statistic reports required by Ministry of Health.
7. Handle queries relating to claims and MediFund.
(B) GENERAL (20%)
1. Manage audit queries.
2. Other duties as assigned by Executive and Manager.